Boost profitable growth with next-level banking optimization
Boost profitable growth
with next-level
banking optimization
Top 3 business
Top 5 business
The AQOPTIMIZER helps optimize 70-90% of the entire revenue streams in banks and our customers typically experience an increase in profitability of 6-22% of the entire interest rate income from the core banking business. The benefits arrive from large-scale decision optimization, algorithmic pricing that assures return requirements and better utilization of business potentials.
The AQOPTIMIZER helps significantly improve mitigation of potential credit loss. The solution automatically assesses and price all bank customers daily, which allows our clients to act quickly when credit deterioration begin.
The AQOPTIMIZER helps provide more efficient use of resources across many fronts in banking. Bank advisors are supported in assessing potential new customers very quickly, which saves many resources in the branch offices. Many credit and granting controls are automated, which saves resources in control functions.
Let our solutions help