November 5, 2020

Sparekassen Vendsyssel new client of AQRISK

We are thrilled to announce that AQRISK enters into partnership with Sparekassen Vendsyssel.

Sparekassen Vendsyssel is a very successful danish financial institution with 43 branch offices. Vendsyssel rank among the 10 largest retail banks in Denmark.

By tapping into the AQRisk analytics platforms Vendsyssel will enhance utilization of data, advanced analytics, automation and state-of-the art business intelligence reporting.

Sparekassen Vendsyssel Board of Management comment on the new partnership: “We look forward to working with AQRisk - it will enhance our foundation for decision-making with data-driven high-end solutions. The solutions will provide stronger support to our employees, so they can strengthen cooperation with our customers even more and we can optimize the business via deeper insights”

Visit Sparekassen Vendsyssel here.